
Single time swing dance moves
Single time swing dance moves

Swing dance is an umbrella term for a group of swing dance styles (genres) that originated in the 1920’s, along with the Jazz Era of music, starting with the Lindy hop then evolving into many different variations including the Jitterbug, East Coast Swing, Collegiate Shag, Jive, Balboa, Lindy Charleston, Carolina & St. Read more about Jitterbug Dance here! A Brief Swing Dance History Today the term Jitterbug is used almost interchangeably with “Swing,” but generally refers to the East Coast swing rather than the Lindy Hop or West Coast swing. As a result of the war, the Jitterbug and swing dancing across the Pacifica and Atlantic oceans. In the 1930’s, the term was popularized by Cab Calloway with a recording titled “Call of the Jitterbug” and a film “Cab Calloway’s Jitterbug Party.” The Jitterbug (and swing dancing generally) continued to rise in popularity from the 1920’s until the end of World War II. Sometimes it was used to refer to dancers that looked like they had the “jitters.” However, in present day it most often refers to the East Coast swing, particularly, the single-rhythm form of the dance. The term “ Jitterbug” was used to refer to many different types of swing dance styles, as well as, some swing dancers furing the swing era. This created a whole new generation of Lindy hoppers. Finally, in the 1990’s Frankie Manning was brought out of retirement and the Neo-Swing revival began. Meanwhile, in the 1980’s, Jonathan Bixby and Sylvia Sykes rediscovered the Collins smooth style of Lindy Hop. Later, the Lindy Hop began to fade as East & West Coast swing rose in popularity. style promoted by Dean Collins was later referred to as Hollywood or Smooth Lindy Hop.

single time swing dance moves

The original Lindy Hop, sometimes called the Savoy style evolved in the 1940’s by Dean Collins and dozens of Hollywood films. However, it evolved into a social form of swing for the larger population of dancers. Many people associate it with the early clips of Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers, the most famous was Frankie Manning, doing flips and aerials.

single time swing dance moves

Both six and eight count swing patterns are used in Lindy hop. The Lindy hop incorporated partner Charleston, sometimes referred to as Lindy Charleston, and Balboa dancing. And developed as a partner dance in the 1920’s and 30’s in Harlem, New York at the Savoy Ballroom.

single time swing dance moves

The Lindy Hop is the grandfather of the many swing dance styles.

Single time swing dance moves